I have so much catching up to do on this blog! Wow, I think I say this every time I post, but I really have been wanting to post more! Please nag me to do so!
So, it's been so long that I've moved on to a new sketchbook. Filled the last one up. Isn't it fun when that happens? It's like watching someone grow up - remembering back to when that first blank page was staring at you. The first page is always so daunting. And then, before you know it, every page is filled. ~Sigh~
So here is just a little glimpse of what has been happening in my newest sketchbook: lots of doodling, expressive painting, and not much, well, actual "sketching". ;)
Happy Thursday friends! Thanks for following along - and seriously - nag me about blogging more, I need you to!