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Megan, this is SO exciting, this new chapter. We have been SO blessed to have you. It's so neat to see your student become a teacher...and you've learned so many valuable lessons in such a short time.

...and you express yourself well. You must have had a good English teacher in 10th grade...

We'll miss you TERRIBLY! Our loss!

Amy and I are certainly going to miss you (and Uncle Bwent)! But at least we have an excuse to come visit Lynchburg!
Love ya kiddo!

What a great adventure you've had... teaching! I'm sure you were a treasure in that school, to those students. I know God will bless you now and in everything you do! Thanks for sharing.

Thanks friends! I will miss it, but definitely ready for a new chapter! (and definitely ready to get to live in the same place as Brent again!)

Megan, I very much enjoyed this post.

We have been leading parallel lives! After teaching high school art for the last 14 years, I left my job mid-school year so that I could move with my husband for his new job. Though I did enjoy teaching, I am thrilled to be able to focus on my own art full time. (And there is a lot about teaching I don't miss at all!)

I wish you all the best in your artistic endeavors and am really enjoying your new lettering work. Cheers!

Thank you Jennifer! That's funny - we really are leading parallel lives!!

Just checked out some of your work and I LOVE those chair pieces, very cool. Good luck with your new phase of life! We'll have to keep in touch!


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